How much time does your team waste looking for information? 

Save time and money in the solution of problems and doubts

Would you like to reduce the time it takes for your staff to find answers to their questions? 

Your staff needs a lot of information every day. And a lot of time can be wasted looking for it.

Imagine having all the knowledge your staff needs in one place and always available with just one click!

Zap, our doubts-solving bot, collects all that knowledge and answers all the questions from your teams.

Quickly resolve the technical doubts of your teams

Even the most experienced people have doubts sometimes, and they waste a lot of time looking for someone who can help them. Zap solves them quickly so your teams can get on with their work.

And, if he doesn’t have the answer in his database, he will find who in the company is an expert on that topic to answer as soon as possible. 

Eliminate the time your team waste in looking for information and therefore increase their performance. 

Avoid the work interruptions your experts have by always answering to the same questions.

Don’t leave any doubt unanswered. Just a single click to access all the information needed.

Share all the internal processes of your company

From claim management to holiday request. Your company works thanks to its internal organization, and not knowing all the protocols can cause problems and block operations within your organization.

● Streamline operations in your company.

Improve customer care with a faster and more efficient service.

Eliminate the time your team waste in looking for information

Improve your Customer Care

How many of your clients are not satisfied with the attention they receive from you?

If your customers want solutions to their problems and your support team cannot help them due to lack of information, things are going badly.

Zap helps you provide a fast and efficient service to your customer at the same time he improves your company image which, consequently, generate more sales.

Solve doubts about your products or services and increase your sales.

Help your client with their paperwork: registrations, orders, incidents … Your client interacts with you in a thousand different ways (and may have a thousand different problems). Fix them quickly and improve their satisfaction with your company.

Solve your support team’s doubts to improve and speed up their customer care service.

How can you use to share your business knowledge?

Das tells you about their experience with our app and how Zap has helped them improve their results: