Do you want to keep reviewing hundreds of CVs or do you prefer just to know which are the best 3? 

Automate the candidate filter and save time and money in your selection processes 

How much time does your HR department spend filtering and reviewing resumes?  

Finding the perfect candidate for the position is not easy. How much has it ever cost you to pick the wrong person? 

Do you want to improve your image as an employer and become a cool company training even people who will not work with you later? 

Speed up your selection processes, choose the best applicants, reduce staff turnover, and improve your employer branding with 

Quickly detect the best talent

Titles are great, but when choosing a new member for your team, you need to know that they have the necessary knowledge to do their job well.

Screen CVs automatically and check only the list with the best applicants. 

Check their knowledge with interactive question-and-answer tests.  

Measure their results clearly and visually in your metrics dashboard. 

Compare their knowledge, their collaboration and their commitment with other candidates in one glance. 

Evaluate the motivation and commitment of your applicants 

Filter your applicants based on their curiosity and their ability to ask questions to reduce turnover and trigger innovation, collaboration, and engagement in your company. 

Know your candidates through interactive question-and-answer tests.

Test their curiosity, theimotivation, and their commitment through their questions to Zap, our solvedoubts bot. 

MMeasure and compare the results of all candidates in the metric panel.  of all candidates in the metric panel. 

Improve youremployerbranding

Nobody wants to work in a company with a bad reputation. If you want to have the best team, you cannot neglect the candidate experience. 

Get an employer branding to frame and attract the best talent for your company.  

Explain how the selection process will be: use micro-training to show the phases that applicants will go through during the process. 

Transmit the culture and values ​​of your company: philosophy is important in an organization; Candidates will positively value if you present yourself and show your most human side.

Solve all your candidates’ doubts: during the selection process, they will have many doubts about the process, about the position and about your company. Solve all of them with Zap and improve their perception about your organization.